Game Reviews
Review Format
The whole game journalism industry seems to be broken for the most part, so we would like to provide out own way of reviewing games, that is not one-sided, based on the aggregated views of all three of us. We will explain the process we use for reviewing games, and we want to try remain positive about the game development industry.
We understand that game development is a tough gig, and its a bit of a mess right now, and we believe attacking the smaller publishers is not the way. However feedback can be delivered in a fair but honest way.
Lets give good feedback so the industry can right itself and hopefully get back to its roots!
The only 1 rule we have about game reviews, is that if we find a game to be trying to push divisive messaging, we will just not review it. If the game is not ALL about being great for players, we will not review it.
Keep an eye out here for our latest reviews, or if you have your own podcast and would like to collaborate, please reach out!